How To Settle A Credit Card Debt When You Are Being Sued

Settling credit card debt when you are being sued is a far better alternative to having your accounts frozen, your wages garnished, or your home repossessed.
Should I Pay off a Defaulted Credit Card?

While some people think that defaulting on their credit card debt will bring them some financial relief, this is among the worst things that you can do.
How To Avoid Credit Card Debt Default

Credit card debt is no fun, and credit card default is even worse. If you are in this situation, there are several available options to choose from.
How Credit Counseling Will Help Prepare Your Household for the New Normal

The numbers say that one in four Americans doesn’t have enough savings to cover an unexpected $1,000 expense. If the coronavirus outbreak has caught you unprepared and overburdened with debt, it is time to get help from a credit counseling professional. A credit counselor will help you understand your financial situation and guide you through available options for tackling your debt payments with the best possible financial strategy.
How to Beat Financial Stress Caused by the Coronavirus Outbreak

Massive layoffs and furloughs have millions of people stressed and worried about their financial future. Money is a common source of stress for most people, but this unprecedented crisis is something the world has never seen before. Economists are expecting it to be followed by a global recession. Churchill Credit Solutions presents you with a short guide on how to beat financial stress caused by COVID-19.
The Coronavirus Pandemic Impacts on the Financial Health of Households

The coronavirus pandemic has led us into unprecedented times that have us concerned about our financial future. Luckily, there are things that can help us manage our budgets sensibly and overcome the current crisis. Read more about the impact of COVID-19 on the financial health of households, changes in consumer behavior, and the importance of properly dealing with our debt.
Picking Up the Pieces – The Financial Consequences on Households Due to COVID-19

The COVID-19 outbreak didn’t just bring major health risks and force the public to observe social distancing – it also has had massive economic impacts, causing job losses, business closures, and financial distress globally. The spread of the novel coronavirus threatens the financial stability of millions of Americans who find that their household spending has […]
How to Choose the Right Debt Settlement Program

Enrolling in a debt settlement program means that your creditor has agreed to accept less than the amount you owe. Also, it means that debt collectors will not be coming after you for the money, and you won’t be sued over the debt. You will be paying less than the amount you owe to your […]
How Can Debt Settlement Options Help Manage Debt During COVID-19?

According to the 2019 Bankrate report, about 3 in 10 people are living without any emergency savings. When it comes to dealing with debt, the COVID-19 outbreak changes everything we know, believe, and assume. The financial implications of the global pandemic are severe. The coronavirus is a life-threatening virus, but it also might ruin the […]
How Governments and Credit Institutions Offer Debt Relief

In just a few months, COVID-19 has transformed how we live our lives and run our workplaces. Many people are facing job loss or a reduction in income and will experience difficulties in trying to keep up with their debts – credit card bills, mortgage payments, student loan payments, and other consumer loans. Just like […]